Monday, December 15, 2008

Oh life. HA HA HAAA>

 For my own procrastination/studying/amusement. Sudden realization, btw,  blogger cannot tell time.  

Say "hey there" to some good old fashioned Atlantic World History. Hurrah.

Since I can't seem to go any more below the table, the translations for the last part: 

* the natives love us. And are happy to see us. Yep.

** the Indians? Ha, we will kill them if they don’t convert. NVM. We’ll kill them for nothing too!

*** o no. the Indians. A problem. Besides, all we want is their land

**** we’re pretty annoying. Yay England.

***** hmm, we don’t deal with those usually unless they are giving us their land. Always nice.








Trade w/ Indians for furs

Make money as quickly as possible?

Make money using industriagriculture. Yay sugar and café.


Make maps.






* cough*

* cough*

they can take over the world if they want.



Successive monarchy-prove thyself

Monarchy recently reconquista’d from los Moros

Um bom governo, tenho a certeza.

Depends. There wast a war of Roses. There are kings.

Democratic government- how that happened no one will ever know.


Huge processions

The requerimientoTake it or DIE!

Not many.




les indigènes nous aiment. et sommes heureux de nous voir*

los indios? Je, los mataremos si no convertían. NVM. ¡Los mataremos para nada también!**

o no. os índios. Um problema. além disso, todos nós queremos é sua terra***

we’re a freaking city on a hill. We’re going to take their land and they’re going to like it. Or we’re going to ignore the problem****

hmm, we gaan niet in op de gebruikelijke, tenzij ze geven ons hun land. altijd leuk.*****

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