Wednesday, July 22, 2009

stranger than you dreamt it

Hi again! I'm back, though it has been eons since I have last posted. I will attribute that in part to China, peer pressure, and other stuff. So I was in China for most of June, which was also a terrible time to post anyway, considering all the work I had due. July I have spent lazing about. Also, no one else in the blogosphere of friends I have has recently posted, so I felt like I was entitled to a break.

Anyhow, last night/this morning I had a nice dream. It was FOTC related. I dreamed that I saw Bret and some other dude in concert. They were supposedly FOTC, but I didn't recognize that the other man wasn't who he should have been until later. After the concert, I was in the subway waiting for the train to go home, and the other dude, who was blonde-ish/brownish with straight hair bangs falling his face, came up to me and asked me if I liked the performance. I smiled this weird smug/coy smile (trust me I remember that weird smile!) and said I did. He asked me what I was planning to do. And I said, "I'm a songwriter" and he was interested in that off-hand way that people who tend to not believe what you're saying are. And I said, "no really". And then I sang a little ditty about songwriting, which unfortunately I can't remember. It rhymed, though. He was excited about the song, and he gave me his card. I can vaguely remember that his last name was de ________. So was Bret's in this dream. It was around this time that I realized that this dude was not Jemaine. And I must have been half awake, because I started seeing flashbacks of the FOTC show where Jemaine is being a little smarmy/awkward/creepy.

I woke up.

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