Sunday, November 9, 2008

The Bitch of Living

Literally my life is falling into stupid shitty shit pieces.

I have so much work to do, and I'm so damn unproductive!! School is kind of going like this: "Hey Olivia, you have a lot of potential. But sorry, FAIL." And it is really sad. This is the the most hectic week of my life, and maybe if I look at this happily it won't feel so shitty.

The Rundown

Monday: Poetry Workshop 3:30-5:00 pm

Description: Spend my time with Tom, or T-Bone as we secretly call him. Listen to him moan about somebody's poetry. Mind you, he's really nice about it, so it's really not that bad. But also, have to act as a support group to the people who do come. Buy Milanos and not eat them. This is a TRIAL. I love Milanos. I also happen to be lactose intolerant. Usually, I wouldn't care,
and just eat it like Dani would, but I also have a performance for Bnats within two days. That would SUCK.

Tuesday: Dance Party 5:30 pm-7:00 pm

Description: Lead the cheer for Brearley girls all over and play 30-35 songs of concentrated enjoyment and dance. But not be too lame, cuz my street cred would be wiggety wack. But also not be too cool and Afro-Caribbean centric, seeing as Brearley is really a white school, and we all know that people get uncomfortable with stuff they don't know. AAGH. Also deal with the chaperone issue, of which I am still uncertain of its status. Maybe Tom can chaperone. Probably never in a million years, but if I get really desperate, I will do some crazy shit.

Wednesday: Open House 5:30- god knows when? pm

Description: Attempt to pull in prospective Brearley girls. This involves making colorful flyers for the Beaver and being
really cheery while sometimes not being at all cheery. But Renate will be there. So will Tom, and Lisa, no doubt, so I guess it won't be so bad. They can make me laugh. Emily is really nice so she'll probably bake something or be cool like that.

Thursday: Chorus/BNATS 3:30-6:30 pm

Description: Suffer two hours of David Joseph, because the world hates US Chorus. Secretly wish that he was Mr. Wells from Spence. Secretly move to Spence.

Did I mention I also have a 25-50 line poem due on this day?

Friday: I don't fucking know.

But I do have a Physics test. Because the world hates me.

The good news: God loves me. Otherwise I'd already be dead, yes?

Hallelujah. I love Jesus.

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