First off, happy thanksgiving everybody yay!
Second off: I am meeting with Renate for the issues of the Beaver. Yayness. The Beaver hasn't died or anything, but random typos kind of appear, and Renate's freaking out. I'm using this as an excuse to see her over the break. Also, it couldn't hurt to have her look it over again before Monday. More time to digest it and what not.
Third off: I had this weird spinach craving this morning. Thanksgiving is going differently than usual. For the first time in my life, my grandma has not been here for Thanksgiving. Rest assured, she is well and good, but she went to visit my uncle and his newly created family in Maryland. Good for her, bad for me... No turkey, no rice, no stuffing, no nothing. Which means it's time for crash course in cooking 101. I can only make chicken and rice, so be forewarned. Also, I can make spinach. Which I ate. For breakfast? Strange life I live.
Up there? That is my satisfying my spinach craving for the general populace.
Also shitty shit I have to send out invitations and also redo my english essay, which Jee did not make clear what the topic was, and then he gets mad that I didn't interpret it the way he wanted me to. Fucky fuck is more like it now.